my story

Hey, I’m Tiffany. I am originally from Salinas Valley, California. My parents were creative people, and we lived in an old house (I have always loved old houses). I had a tree swing, and a cat, and it was a pretty great childhood. My mother was a writer and an editor, and taught high school English. My father taught piano and played several instruments. Music and books have always been central to my life.

I like to build connections, both personally and professionally, and writing is one of my favorite ways to do that. I love to help others express their stories, illuminate a brand in the mind of its customers, or just help someone say what they really mean to the people that matter most.

Writing is more than a job to me. It is a craft, and it’s the way I see the world. I love stories. I love the way they work. I love the fact that they are everywhere, present in everything we do. I love the way every person’s life is a tapestry of them. I love that every life is a story, full of tragedy, comedy, romance, and daring action.

I live and work now in Colorado Springs, CO. I live with my Dad and two cats (in an old house). I enjoy Wes Anderson films, Norman Rockwell paintings, coffee, whiskey, and the beach. And trees. And science fiction. And actually there’s not enough room on this page to tell you all the things I’m a fan of. But if we meet I’m sure we’ll find a few things in common.